10 Must-See Locations in Jordan for Every Traveler's Bucket List

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image of a person sitting on a camel being led by another person in the desert of Jordan

Jordan, a land filled with ancient wonders and stunning landscapes, is a must-visit for travelers looking for rich history, diverse terrains, and warm hospitality. Whether you're into adventure, curious about the past, or just love to travel, Jordan has something captivating in store that guarantees unforgettable memories. Check out this list of must-see spots that every travel enthusiast should add to their itinerary!


The Treasury at Petra

Little Petra

Wadi Rum Desert

The Dead Sea


Amman's Citadel and Roman Theatre

The Baptism Site


Kerak Castle

Image of Petra in Jordan, one of the seven wonders of the world

The Treasury at Petra

Would this even be a list of top sites in Jordan without Petra being number one?

Dive into the history of Petra, also known as the Rose City because of its stunning pink sandstone cliffs, and more famously known as one of the modern 7 Wonders of the World! The Treasury, or Al-Khazneh, is the highlight of Petra, featuring amazing carvings and Hellenistic architecture. This archaeological gem, once a bustling trade center, gives you a fascinating look at the Nabatean civilization. For the best experience, swing by early in the morning when the sunlight hits the Treasury’s façade, creating a truly magical vibe.

Image of Little Petra in Jordan

Little Petra

Just a short distance from the famous Petra is Little Petra, or Al-Beidha, a charming spot that gives you a peek into the lives of the Nabateans away from the busy main city. This hidden gem boasts stunning rock-cut architecture and intricate carvings, highlighting the amazing craftsmanship of its builders. Little Petra used to be a stop for caravans, offering important services to traders heading to Petra. Visitors can stroll through the peaceful pathways, check out the unique structures, and enjoy the cozy surroundings, making it a perfect addition to the grandeur of its bigger neighbor. The relaxed vibe at Little Petra lets you experience its historical significance and beauty without the crowds.

Image of Wadi Rum desert in Jordan

Wadi Rum Desert

Known as the Valley of the Moon, Wadi Rum boasts stunning red sands and towering sandstone mountains, creating a totally unique landscape. Adventure lovers can explore the desert through Jeep tours, camel rides, and hiking trails. Spend a night under the stars in a Bedouin camp, where the minimal light pollution unveils a breathtaking night sky. Wadi Rum offers more than just natural beauty—it's a spot where legends like Lawrence of Arabia made their mark, providing both thrilling and relaxing activities.

Image of the Dead Sea coastline

The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea, the lowest point on Earth, is a natural wonder packed with healing minerals. You can float effortlessly in its salty waters and treat yourself to a rejuvenating mud bath while soaking in the stunning views. Research shows that the minerals here can boost skin health and help with some medical issues. Also, don’t forget to bring a good book or magazine, it’s the perfect spot to read while you’re floating!

Image of the Arch of Hadrian Jerash in Jordan


Take a trip back in time by visiting Jerash, one of the best-preserved Roman cities outside Italy. Stroll along the colonnaded streets, check out the ancient amphitheaters, and admire the impressive temples. Don’t miss the annual Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, which brings together music, dance, and heritage, attracting both locals and tourists. This city is a true reflection of Jordan's rich cultural history and its lasting Roman influence.

Image of the Citadel in Amman Jordan

Amman's Citadel and Roman Theatre

Amman, the lively capital of Jordan, is a place where ancient ruins blend seamlessly with modern life. Check out the Citadel, located on one of the city's seven hills, to see the remains of biblical Ammon and Roman Philadelphia (the name of the city during Roman times). The Roman Theatre, still hosting events today, showcases the incredible engineering of the past. Enjoy concerts and plays that really bring history to life in a venue rich with centuries of performance art.

The Baptism Site

Known as the spot where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ, this UNESCO World Heritage site is deeply meaningful for many. Take a stroll through the peaceful scenery along the Jordan River, where archaeological digs have revealed churches, baptismal pools, and ancient artifacts. It’s a great chance to connect with one of the key moments in Christian history.

Image of Aqaba coast in Jordan


Aqaba, Jordan's gateway to the Red Sea, is like an aquatic paradise with its stunning coral reefs and vibrant marine life. You can snorkel or scuba dive to experience the colorful underwater world, or opt for a glass-bottom boat tour for a relaxed view. On land, dive into Aqaba's rich history, checking out its medieval castle and lively souks. With its warm weather and friendly locals, Aqaba is the perfect beach getaway that’s also steeped in Jordan’s historical charm.

Kerak Castle

Kerak Castle, perched beautifully on a hilltop, welcomes visitors to check out its impressive fortress from the Crusader era. This architectural gem not only boasts amazing panoramic views of the landscape but also dives into a rich history. As you stroll through its ancient halls and sturdy stone walls, you can almost hear the echoes of past battles and noble tales. Its strategic spot makes it a key site, showing the power struggles of its time.

Jordan is a place of endless discovery, where every spot brings a unique experience that feeds the soul. From the ancient wonders of Petra and Jerash to the stunning landscapes of Wadi Rum and the Dead Sea, this country encourages travelers to explore, learn, and be amazed. Whether you're after adventure, history, or a spiritual connection, Jordan's must-see sites offer a mix of experiences. Start planning your trip today and dive into a land where the past meets the present, and every moment is a chance for exploration!

Hi, I’m Karen!

Travel Blogger & Photographer + Founder of The Everyday Adventure

Here I share travel tips, packing guides, planning help, and photography from many different parts of the world. I help other working 9-5 adventurers get out into the world and see as much as they can with the little time they have available.

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Karen Rosenfeld

My two favorite things are traveling and photography. Of course, I found a way to combine them!

I am a photographer, filmmaker, traveler, writer, graphic and web designer, and so much more. As you can probably guess, I keep myself pretty busy. I can’t help but think of new ideas and dive headfirst into them.

I have been a photographer for 15+ years and specialize in documentary-style photography. Throughout those years my interests expanded to filmmaking, graphic design, and web design. Naturally, when I started traveling, my camera came along with me. I fell in love with seeing parts of the world I haven’t seen before and experiencing things different from my normal. So far, I have traveled to 15 countries and 20 US states, and I am always looking for new places to explore. Photography has always made that exploration even more fun and helped me end up in places that I would have least expected. There is something about a camera being in your hand that pushes you to explore that hidden spot, walk that extra mile, and improve your patience when waiting for something amazing.


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